Dorothy Lune
Daughter of an Alcoholic
I assumed I dreaded drunk people. Turns out I dread drunk men. A thought so granular & fine. Men are like bags labelled "wool blankets" on the shelf when sober. Roaming around like translucent snails so for them to be shell-less is unsettling—fugly slugs enrage me. Leaving a trail in the kitchen at 3am for their children to slip on at dawn. The drunken confetti eyes made of marble, static waving behind the pupils. Psychologists say a child becomes the rejected parent in adulthood in order to feel closer to them—fugly slugs enrage me. Save up for tickets then pack the screams along with a salt shaker & shovel for emergencies.
Dorothy Lune is a Yorta Yorta poet who has been writing poems for 4 years, born in Australia. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Aurora Journal, Alternate Route, Open Leaf Press, Ice Lolly Review, and more. She started out writing songs, drawing, painting, and writing poems. She found poetry to be the type of writing and medium she loves most and has a debut chapbook entitled Heart Planetary coming out in April 2022. Dorothy can be found online @dorothylune.