Emily R. Daniel
“you know love when you see it, you can feel its lunar strength, its brutal pull”
-- Dorianne Laux, from Facts About the Moon
she looks like my mother
as if I have a need
to recall her and I
find a likeness
in a crowd
not pretty
like mom, not
her mouth crinkled
around cigarette’s tight tip
nicotine ringing in her voice
not like mom whose alto
is untouched by tar
a voice never raised
above a forte
maybe it’s the pair
of Jackie Kennedy eyes
set far apart
boasting their range
how wide their holding
brown turning amber
in spotlight
or it’s the square jawline
soft underside of her chin
when her head tilts back
though mom’s laugh does not
crackle like hers
I want to be
the reason for it
just the same
Emily R. Daniel's debut chapbook, Life Line, was selected as a winner of the Celery City Chapbook contest and published in 2019. Emily's work has been published online in The Bangalore Review, Sylvia Magazine, and Sixfold. She is a non-traditional creative writing student at Western Michigan University and the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. Emily lives in Kalamazoo, MI with her family. For more information about Emily and her work, visit www.emilyrdaniel.com.