Kathrine Yets
Get It
So, I am a whore, I guess:
a woman who enjoys sex.
I bump uglies more than once a week,
ruffle up the sheets—
and I ain’t doing laundry.
I’m doing missionary work
without the prayers
and doggies that don’t bark
much. I’m churning butter
like a woman is supposed to do.
Afternoon delight until midnight
or later. At dawn, I am a curled angel,
flipped into a glowing juniper—
the Kama Sutra's got nothing on me.
I rock and roll x-rated.
Sex on the beach— hold the vodka,
the schnapps, cranberry and orange juice, the ice,
the highball glass. Slap my ass and call me Daisy
because this cowgirl is in reverse,
rehearsing porno lines like it’s her day job.
But wait one sec, take two steps back
and know this tango ain’t for show,
not for your pleasure,
not for you to know
but maybe find out
if you’re lucky.
Know this body isn’t yours,
and that I am not a fucking whore.
Take your labels, your slander,
your mismanners, your fuck-me-sideways
misinterpretations. Keep your bigot trap
and let me get some my way
without shame
or humiliation
or pull the covers up self-disgust.
I am Aphrodite incarnated at her finest,
so get fucked
good and proper
before the word whore hits your throat.
Kathrine Yets lives in St. Francis, Wisconsin, U.S. She is an avid educator and poet. Her poetry can be found in many literary magazines and anthologies, including Blue Heron Review, Universal Oneness Anthology, River & South Review, and 5th Wall Press. In 2018, she won the Jade Ring Award from the Wisconsin Writers' Association. She has three chapbooks, So I Can Write (Cyberwit), The Animal Within (Unsolicited Press) and iLearn, iTeach (Cyberwit). When she is not teaching or writing, she can be found on the shores of Lake Michigan, taking walks with her husband.